
Sustainability Booklet series book launch (7th November 2023)

BC4LS and PABooks jointly organized the book launch of the first book in the BC4LS Sustainability Booklet series, How to Achieve Long-Term Sustainability – A Practical Guide Deploying Sustainable High Growth Economics written by Richard Werner. Richard Werner, is an Oxford-educated economist, university professor of banking and economics, FCA-authorised investment adviser and fund manager, as well as policy adviser to governments and central banks and former researcher of BC4LS.

Richard Werner presented his book in the Hungarian Innovation Hub as part of a panel discussion with Barnabás Virág, Deputy Governor at MNB, the Central Bank of Hungary. The discussion was be moderated by Kristóf Lehmann, Director of MNB and Head of MNB Institute at John von Neumann University.

During the conversation, topics were discussed such as:

  • What long-term sustainability means for a central bank,
  • Whether economic growth is associated with environmental destruction,
  • What a central bank can deliver to support general sustainability in economic development,
  • How global debt (private and public) has been increasing in developed and in most emerging economies.

José Vargas-Hernandez’s lecture at the Metropolitan University Budapest (26th October 2023)

Professor José Vargas-Hernandez, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture entitled " Analysis of the implications between declining cities, urban vacant land uses, green infrastructure, and their impact on climate change hazards” to the students of Budapest Metropolitan University on 26th of October.

In his lecture, he analized the implications between the declining and shrinking cities, urban vacant lands, urban land uses, green infrastructures, urban green areas, and their impact on climate hazards change. His analysis departs from the basic assumption that urban vacant land sites and spaces have a negative connotation but supported by the appropriate policies and programs of incentives can turn around and develop the essential green infrastructure to enable the mitigation of climate change hazards, economic growth, and socio ecological development.

The professor concluded that the land uses of vacant land sites more vacationed towards urban green innovation infrastructure and forest areas contribute to mitigate the climate change hazards.

BC4LS Open Events with José Vargas-Hernandez (26th October 2023)

BC4LS held its Open Events on the 26 October with a fireside chat on ‘Green Economics - Sustainable and green urban development'. Dávid Papp, Head of sustainable finance policy (MNB) and José Vargas-Hernandez, BC4LS researcher and professor at the University of Guadalajara participated in the discussion. Participants discussed the sustainability challenges businesses face, what determines green innovation in organisations and how firms can drive the sustainability transformation of the global economy. The discussion also covered the topic of the urban circular bioeconomy and the sustainability challenges that cities face.

José Vargas-Hernandez cited Mexico's Zapopan Agro-Ecological Park (PAZ) as an example of the regeneration of public spaces, an initiative that created green innovation areas to save vacant urban land use. The participants agreed that several Hungarian projects (such as the Liget Budapest project and the Budapest Museum of Ethnography) similarly fit the typology of urban green spaces and urban green innovation areas and have great potential in the field of urban green and sustainable development.

José Vargas-Hernandez’s lecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (25th October 2023)

Professor José Vargas-Hernandez, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture organised jointly with the MNB Education Club entitled " Green human resources management and green transformational leadership” to the students of Budapest University of Technology and Economics on 25th of October.
In his lecture, he analized the implications among the variables of green culture pro-environmental behaviors and organizational sustainability on green human resources and green transformational leadership. He concluded that green organizational culture leading to pro-environmental behaviors in sustainable organizations require the support of green human management and green transformational leadership.

José Vargas-Hernandez's lecture at the John von Neumann University
(18th October 2023)

On 18 October, José Vargas-Hernandez, a researcher from BC4LS, Mexico, gave a lecture on "Clusters for Economic Development" at the Sándor Kopátsy Hall of the John von Neumann University, in cooperation with the MNB Education Club. In his presentation, he emphasized that clusters are an important way of economic development in a region. He pointed out that many researchers agree that the cluster consists of a critical mass of companies, generally small and medium-sized, specialized in the same sector or related productive activities, located in a specific and relatively small geographical area. Other authors suggest that a cluster includes institutions that interact with companies that affect their competitive performance. According to the professor, future empirical research needs to develop a definition that includes the advantages of a cluster in a given region. Another important area of research is the inclusion of the role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in cluster definitions, due to some clusters are supported for this kind of business.

José Vargas-Hernandez’s lecture at the MNB Institute (17th October 2023)

Professor José Vargas-Hernandez, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture entitled " Sustainability and Green Socio-ecosystem Resilience: A conceptual view " to the students of the John von Neumann’s MNB Institute on 17th of October.
In his lecture, he emphasized that humanity is facing a series of important challenges, global warming being one the most important. Consequently, sustainability and resilience have become key elements in providing a better response to the crisis and, in maintaining an equilibrium between ecology, economics and various social domains. He believes that the design and use of urban land should consider the inclusion of a multifunctional green infrastructure to obtain different benefits, from ecosystem services to value creation. According to the professor, the urban land-use planning system contributes to economic growth, social development and environmental sustainability, while biodiversity is able to provide renewal and reorganization capacities for changes in social-ecosystems.

José Vargas-Hernandez’s lecture at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (11th October 2023)

Professor José Vargas-Hernandez, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture entitled „Entrepreneurial models of inclusive civil culture” to the students of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on 11th of October. In his presentation, he analyzed the model of entrepreneurial inclusive civil culture based on the Zapopan Agro-Ecological Park (PAZ) in Mexico. In order to save the empty urban land use, the residents of the surrounding settlements, social movements, civil society and municipalities participated in the creation of the PAZ ("PEACE") as a green innovation area. In addition to the cultivation of vegetables and medicinal herbs, the purpose of the ecopark is to create social capital that maintains a culture of peace within the framework of cooperation, trust and community support relationships. In conclusion, he said that the Zapopan Agro-Ecological Park is a model of civic culture embracing the spirit of entrepreneurship, which represents a milestone in the regeneration of public spaces with a project of social and environmental importance.

José Vargas-Hernandez’s lecture at the MNB Institute (10th October 2023)

Professor Vargas-Hernandez, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture entitled "Post-pandemic Global Supply Chain and Value Chain as a relocation strategy" to the students of the John von Neumann’s MNB Institute (@MNB Intézet) on 10th of October.
In his lecture, he talked about the implications that the national protectionist policies have on the global supply and value chains and the relocation of production. According to the professor, global supply, production, and value chains although being economically efficient, are no longer any more secure under national protectionist policies, therefore, the relocation of production processes is mainly due to the increase in the level of income and wages of the developing countries that are the destination. At the end of the 60-minute thought-provoking lecture, students had the opportunity to ask the professor questions.

BC4LS - PADME Researchers’ Night with Steve Keen (29th September 2023)

BC4LS and PADME jointly organized Researchers' Night on Friday, September 29. The Center opened its doors as part of the event series and welcomed visitors with fusion sustainability programs.
The programme of the Researchers' Night began with the PADME round table discussion, where PADME scholarship students studying at the world's best universities shared their experiences with the audience.
The event continued with the BC4LS round table discussion entitled "Sustainability issues: a long term outlook" with Steve Keen, researcher at BC4LS and Barnabás Virág, deputy governor of the MNB, moderated by Kristóf Lehmann, Director of the MNB and Head of the MNB Institute.
During the conversation, topics were discussed such as:
- How mainstream economists have analyzed the economic impact of global warming
- The structure of the monetary model of the Hungarian economy
- How economics deal with the long-term effects of climate change and environmental protection
- Main findings of the Carbon Tracker project
- MNB's green mandate and activities
After the panel, Kinga Hamvai, head of the MNB's Arts and Culture division, gave a guided tour of the paintings and works of art exhibited in the building.
The guests could listen the poet-economist Gusztáv Báger's poems on sustainability in an excellent performance by the actor Balázs Lázár, which was followed by a conversation with Mr. Báger.

BC4LS Open Events with Michael Northcott (22nd June 2023)

BC4LS held its second Open Events on the 22 June with a roundtable discussion on 'Ethical and Sustainability Aspects of Digital Central Bank Money'. The roundtable was moderated by Péter Fáykiss, Head of the Digitalisation Directorate (MNB). The discussion was attended by Michael Northcott, researcher at BC4LS and Professor at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia, Balázs Kóczián, Head of the Digital Central Bank Money Department (MNB) and Péter Sajtos, Head of Digitalization and FinTech Policy Department (MNB). The participants discussed the international experiences with CBDCs, the MNB's position on CBDCs, the risks and concerns from an ethical point of view of the introduction of a CBDC into an economy and society, and whether Central bank digital currencies can make the financial system more sustainable. Participants agreed that a clear definition of the regulatory environment for CBDCs is fundamental.

Michael Northcott’s lecture for the students of John von Neumann University, János Selye University, Partium Christian University and Sapientia University of Transylvania (24th May, 2023)

On the 24th of May, undergraduate students from the John von Neumann University and three universities from abroad (János Selye University, Komárom; Partium Christian University, Oradea; Sapientia University of Transylvania, Faculty of Sciences, Csíkszereda) visited our Centre to attend a lecture on sustainability by Michael Northcott, researcher at BC4LS. The aim of the "(Re)Considering Sustainability" programme organised by the John von Neumann University for economists is to make young people think about the world around them and to explore different aspects of sustainability, primarily through the Sustainable Development Goals.
Following Professor Northcott's presentation, the students were given a guided tour of the building.

Michael Northcott’s lecture at the Metropolitan University (24th April 2023)

Professor Northcott, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture entitled "Ethics, Sustainability & Real World Climate Solutions" at the Metropolitan University on the 24 th of April. In his lecture he pointed out, that the southern hemisphere’s increased heat and drought reduces crop production, but in his opinion these are principally caused by regional not global climate changes. He emphasized that we need a holistic ecological management approach, which includes the replanting of bush and trees alongside crops, freeing rivers from large dams and concrete channels. Real world ecological solutions could be to reduce distance and complexity in food and energy supply chains by encouraging small scale community-based energy production capacity including wind, solar, gas generators and battery packs. He suggests to increase household farmer and small business capacity to cope with temperature changes, increased precipitation and drought; to adapt buildings, drains to make them better protected from cold, heat and rain; and to unbox rivers from concrete channels and restore their edges as flood plains and as tree growing, occasional farming and walking areas.

„Long-term Sustainability in Terms of Eco-civilization and International Relations” online discussion (19th April 2023)

On April 19, 2023, the Budapest Centre for Long-term Sustainability (BC4LS) organized an online discussion with participants from three continents. The first speech was given by Dr. John B. Cobb, Jr., one of the leading minds in sustainability and ecological thought of the 20th and 21st centuries. He focused on the question of sustainable and peaceful international relations as the foundation for saving the planet. Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, spoke on how to realize an ecological civilization through sustainable innovation. He pointed out that now, in the Internet of things (IoT), not only people, but also „things” communicate with each other via sensors. In his opinion the challenge in the future to control this kind of self-organisations. We need sustainable innovation: sustainable development goals must be integrated into technologies and societal infrastructure. Four other leading experts in the field of sustainability contributed speeches from different philosophical and scientific perspectives: Dr. Norbert Csizmadia (Hungary, Pallas Athene Foundation) explained in his presentation why geography and maps are important to understand sustainable future. He emphasized that we are in the midst of a technological epochal shift and the 4 frontrunners of the 21st century are digitalisation, robotics, automation and artificial intelligence. According to Mr. Csizmadia, regional cooperations are replacing global supply chains. Dr. Attila Grandpierre (Hungary, Research President of BC4LS) explained that we need to understand the laws of nature: the principle of physics, biology and reason in order to maintain long-term sustainability. Prof. Dr. Zhimin Ao (China, Advanced Interdisciplinary Institute of Environment and Ecology) also spoke about emerging research fronts. He thinks that distruptive technologies generate both opportunities and controversies. Humans are the primary content creators, and AI tools are our assistant, meant to improve the quality of our lives and the environment in which we live. Dr. David Bartosch (Germany), researcher of BC4LS and the host of the meeting, talked about the problem of long-term sustainability from the perspective of philosophical anthropology and biotic empathy.

Michael Northcott’s lecture at the the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (18th April 2023)

Professor Northcott, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture entitled "Spiritual-Ethical Perspective on Sustainable Development" to the international students of the BME Faculty of Economics – MSc in Regional and Environmental Economics on 18 April. In his lecture, he talked about sustainable development, the history of development, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the Millennium Development Goals and the Sustainable Development Goals. According to the professor, the main promoters and winners of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), and sustainable development programmes are large corporations, as ESG reporting mechanisms are so costly that they are in a better position to meet the criteria.

At the end of the 60-minute thought-provoking lecture, students had the opportunity to ask the professor questions.

Michael Northcott’s lecture at the John von Neumann University (17th April 2023)

Michael Northcott, Professor at the University of Edinburgh and researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture at the John Von Neumann University entitled "Against Neo-Malthusianism and for an Economy of Abundance". In his presentation, Mr Northcott presented that Malthusianism argues that nature is unable to support the present numbers of humans. This belief in scarcity played a role in the rise of modern political economy as many economists argued that only when scarcities are created is it possible to accumulate wealth. More recently the theory has been revived in the guise of the ideology of net zero which rests on the link between human use of gas, oil and coal and the climate of the Earth.
Contrary to neo-Malthusianism, Professor Northcott pointed out in his lecture that the Earth has never been as fertile and safe for humanity as it is today.Fewer humans by percentage die in natural disasters or of infectious diseases now than at any time in human history. The main causes of migration and premature death in the world now are war and hunger. The cures could be to shift public and private resources towards energy and food production both in the developed and developing world. And to move government subsidies for weapons manufacturers and large drug and technology companies towards subsidies - or at least tax breaks - targeted at small farmers and small businesses. The Earth can easily support ten billion people but for people to thrive they need to be able to live in peace, and to have the ability to start businesses and sustain small farms.

Brian Chi-ang Lin’s round table discussion at MCC (24th February 2023)

Brian Chi-ang Lin attended an English-language roundtable at the MCC Climate Policy Institute on "Sustainable Cities". The invited guests of the event were Brian Chi-ang Lin, researcher at BC4LS, Tamás Pálvölgyi, International and Strategic Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Water Sciences at the National University of Public Service, and Lilla Bartuszek, project manager of Sustainable Cities. The moderator was Panka Király, a student at MCC.

David Bartosch’s online presentation at MCC (23rd February 2023)

David Bartosch, researcher of BC4LS and distinguished research fellow at Beijing Normal University in Zhuhai gave an insightful lecture to the students of MCC. The professor's lecture „The difference between the Chinese and European way of thinking and its impact on environmental protection efforts” provided an introduction to the different traditional and modern ways of understanding life in China and Europe.

BC4LS Open Events with Brian Chi-ang Lin (16th February 2023)

BC4LS launched its professional-cultural event series, BC4LS Open Events, which provides an excellent meeting point for those interested in the topic of sustainability. At the round table discussion entitled "Smart Cities, Circular Economy, and Sustainability", in addition to Brian Chi-ang Lin, BC4LS Researcher, Sustainability Professor and Business Consultant at the National Chengchi University Taipei in Taiwan, Gyula Zilahy, Professor and Head of Department of Environmental Economics and Sustainability at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics talked with Dávid Papp, the Head of Policy Unit of the Sustainable Finance Department of the Central Bank of Hungary.

Dávid Papp summarized in his introductory speech that human resource and consumption are concentrated in Mega-cities, therefore it is essential to develop the smart-city concept, which is the key to the creation of sustainable cities. According to Professor Lin, the creation of circular cities is necessary for a circular economy. If a smart city wants to become a functional community responsible for environmental sustainability, then the emergence of circular buildings is essential. For Professor Zilahy, the essence of circular business is that the economy, the economic organization, consumes as little as possible of usable goods. The basis of a sustainable business model can be e.g. the sharing economy too.

After the round table discussion, the visitors could see a contemporary exhibition combined with a guided tour, as well as take part in a standing reception with live music.

Brian Chi-ang Lin’s presentation about "Critical Thinking - Circular Economy and Sustainability" at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (1st December 2022)

Brian Chi-ang Lin gave a 90-minutes lecture to master's students entitled "Critical Thinking - Circular Economy and Sustainability" during the Intensive Seminar Programme at the University of Technology and Economics, followed by a Q&A session.

Brian Chi-ang Lin’s presentation about "Circular Economy and Circular Business Models" at the Budapest Metropolitan University (30th November 2022)

Brian Chi-ang Lin gave a lecture for the students of Global Politics Advanced Study Group at Budapest Metropolitan University. The title of his presentation was "Circular Economy and Circular Business Models".

Brian Chi-ang Lin’s presentation about “Sustainable Economies and the United Nations 2030 Agenda” at the AGTECO conference (24th November 2022)

John von Neumann University organized a scientific conference for the 23rd time, the AGTECO conference, which was held on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Day. The Eurasia Center contributed to the initiative by joining the conference, where Professor Brian Chi-ang Lin, a Taiwanese sustainability professor specialized in circular economy at National Chengchi University and a researcher at BC4LS, gave a presentation entitled “Sustainable Economies and the United Nations 2030 Agenda”. Professor Lin believed that in order to achieve the Agenda’s goals, each country should adapt sustainable growth policies, such as the circular economic model, by using an indicator called the circular GDP, because the framing and implementation of the SDGs can only be successful starting from the national level. The Circular GDP indicator was described by professor Lin in the Circular Economy National Income Accounting Framework (CENIA), which can be adapted to explore the regenerative capacity of an economy, i.e., a country, a city, or a region, within a given time period. In a circular economy system, a higher level of circular output will not only lead to a higher circular GDP, but will also increase its socioeconomic future capacity for sustainable consumption and investment. As a result, the circular GDP can be timely adapted as a leading indicator for appraising the progress of sustainability.

Brian Chi-ang Lin’s presentation about "The Revelation of Hungarian Buildings: Circular Types of Dutch Philips and Swedish Volvo" at the John von Neumann University (21st November 2022)

Brian Chi-ang Lin, researcher of the BC4LS, held a lecture at the Kecskemét campus of John von Neumann University in November entitled "The Revelation of Hungarian Buildings: Circular Types of Dutch Philips and Swedish Volvo". In his lecture, Mr. Lin presented the characteristics and significance of circular products and the circular economy, and clarified the difference between circular and recycled products. He highlighted that the emergence of certificated circular products including circular building, cars, and hardware equipment is vital for promoting the circular economy. Some leading companies in Europe have begun to validate their circular products via well-developed circular business models. In his presentation, he talked about how the full implementation of the circular economy can help a country move in a timely manner along the path of sustainability.

Ryosei Kokubun’s presentation at the Budapest Metropolitan University (18th November 2022)

On November 18, 2022, Mr. Kokubun gave a lecture at the Budapest Metropolitan University's International Economics course. In his interactive lecture, which was followed by the active participation of the international students, he also covered the peculiarities of Eastern culture and thinking as well as the geopolitics of East Asia.

Ryosei Kokubun’s management training about "Introduction to a modern history of East Asian Geopolitics" at The Central Bank of Hungary (17th November 2022)

Ryosei Kokubun, former president of the Japanese National Defense Academy, professor at Keio University, gave a lecture in November at partner institutions of BC4LS entitled "Introduction to a modern history of East Asian Geopolitics". During his lectures, Mr. Kokubun presented East Asia and its modern history. In particular, he addressed the geopolitical situation that emerged as a result of the Cold War, as well as the politics, economy and role of China and Japan in the region, and for the world to become multipolar.

Ryosei Kokubun’s presentation about "A brief history of East Asian geopolitical history in modern era" at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (16th November 2022)

Ryosei Kokubun held a lecture for master's students of the Regional Economic Development course at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The title of the presentation was "A brief history of East Asian geopolitical history in modern era", and the focus was on the modern history and significance of the region.

Brian Chi-ang Lin’s presentation about "Circular Economy and Circular Business Models" at the Budapest Metropolitan University (15th November 2022)

Brian Chi-ang Lin gave a lecture for the students of Budapest Metropolitan University. The title of his presentation was "Circular Economy and Circular Business Models". At the end of the presentation, the students had the opportunity to ask questions related to the presentation.

Researcher’s Night (30th September 2022)

BC4LS has opened its Center to the public and has prepared sustainability themed fusion programs for visitors during the evening. Jia Weilie, researcher of BC4LS, gave a lecture on sustainability with the title "Reconstruct an outlook on development and promote sustainable development". This was followed by a roundtable discussion with the participation of Norbert Csizmadia, Attila Grandpierre and Jia Weilie. The visitors could also see a guided contemporary exhibition, participate in a standing reception with live music, and hear the poems of the poet-economist Gusztáv Báger performed by Balázs Lázár.

BC4LS X PADME X Ludwig Museum sustainability programme (14th September 2022)

The Ludwig Museum and BC4LS, with the support of the PADME Foundation, launched a joint program series entitled Sustainability at the Crossroads of Art and Economy. The topic of the first event in the series: Paradigm shift in museum collecting, or what do digitalized works and money have in common? Dr. Eike Schmidt, director of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, gave a presentation entitled "Museums and the NFT: Will there be spring after the crypto-winter?". After that, Péter Fáykiss, head of the Digitalization Directorate of the Central Bank of Hungary, gave a presentation on the topic "At the forefront of innovation: The NFT issuance platform of the Central Bank of Hungary". The presentations were followed by a roundtable discussion, moderated by Melanie Kay Smith, BSc and MSc program manager in tourism management at Budapest Metropolitan University.

‘Bálványosi Nyári Szabadegyetem’ - roundtable discussion (22nd July 2022)

Adél Modensieder, Managing Director of BC4LS, together with Péter Pál Kolozsi, head of the MNB's Central Bank Toolkit, Foreign Exchange Reserves and Risk Management Directorate, and Donát Kim, head of the MNB's Sustainable Financial Analysis Department, took part in the roundtable discussion entitled "Central Banks on the path to greening".

The BC4LS Sustainability flow roundtable discussion at the ‘Nagy könyvünnep’ - Bbook festival and contemporary art exhibition (7th May 2022)

Students of the Budapest Metropolitan University, the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the John von Neumann University who developed a sustainability-related product and/or innovative solutions took part in the discussion.

Richard Werner’s presentation about "The Future of our Money - Centralization vs. Decentralisation" at the John von Neumann University (28th April 2022)

Professor Werner held a lecture in Kecskemét entitled "The Future of our Money - Centralization vs. Decentralisation". Professor Werner highlighted that we are currently experiencing a historic change in the structure of our monetary system, as more and more central banks are preparing to directly compete with banks by issuing their own central bank digital currency. Among other things, in his lecture he examined the consequences and defined the structure of the sustainable monetary system and banking sector.

Richard Werner’s presentation about “Money and finance in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s: Blueprint for the ECB?” at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (27th April 2022)

Richard A. Werner, Professor of Banking and Finance at De Montfort University, senior researcher of the BC4LS gave an inspiring lecture on “Money and finance in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s: Blueprint for the ECB?” at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on the 27th of April. The professor emphasized that standard economic models failed to explain the economic events in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s. In his lecture, he also revealed the mechanisms behind the economic upheavals, the role played by the Bank of Japan, and the motivations of key decision-makers.

Csaba Lentner’s presentation about “New challenges in the Hungarian financial policy” at the Jon Von Neumann University (20th April 2022)

Csaba Lentner, economist, economic policy expert, senior researcher of the BC4LS gave an inspiring lecture on “New challenges in the Hungarian financial policy” at John Von Neumann University in Kecskemét on the 20th of April. Nearly 300 students attended his lecture, in which he analyzed the economic results of the last decade, the missed opportunities, the current global risks and expectations. In his presentation, he also spoke about inflation, employment, the state of public finances and the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Professor Lentner emphasized in his presentation that economies, in which knowledge capital plays a key role, where the intellectual capital is an added value, are the competitive ones in the world. He believes that one way for the country to enter the world market with a competitive product and service is to strengthen universities.

Richard Werner’s presentation about “Banking theories” at the Budapest Metropolitan University (1st April and 25th March 2022)

Professor Werner held a class at the Budapest Metropolitan University within the course of Finance II. in the topic of banking theories.

Richard Werner’s presentation about “Digital Control Grid: How Does the Economy Really Work, and What are the Rules of the Money Game?” at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (24th March 2022)

Richard A. Werner, Professor of Banking and Finance at De Montfort University, senior researcher of the BC4LS gave an inspiring lecture on “Digital Control Grid: How Does the Economy Really Work, and What are the Rules of the Money Game?” at Budapest University of Technology and Economics on the 24th of March. In his presentation, he spoke about the money creation, various banking theories, and the relationship between economic growth and interest rates. More than 50 Hungarian and international students attended the 90 minutes long lecture. Students from MBA, Marketing and Finance had the opportunity to ask questions from professor Werner.

BC4LS Workshop with Richard Werner (7th March 2022)

The theme of the third BC4LS workshop was growth and long-term sustainability. Richard Werner and Michael Nortcott held a presentation who presented at the workshop, and it was followed by a roundtable discussion moderated by Dániel Palotai.

Abishur Prakash’s management training about "The World Is Vertical" at The Central Bank of Hungary (20th January 2022)

Abishur Prakash held an online training for the colleagues of the Central Bank of Hungary, especially for participants in the MNB's leadership program, entitled "The World Is Vertical", and the focus was on the technology transforming globalization.

Abishur Prakash’s presentation about "The World Is Vertical" at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (17th January 2022)

Abishur Prakash gave a lecture to the students of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The title of the presentation was "The World Is Vertical", and its focus was on the impact of technology on the new world order.

BC4LS Workshop with Mandeep Rai (20th December 2021)

BC4LS organized its second workshop in cooperation with the MNB Education Club entitled "Leadership values after COVID-19". At the workshop, after Norbert Csizmadia's welcome speech, Mandeep Rai and Richard Werner gave a presentation. The event was moderated by Zoltán Dubéczi.

BC4LS Workshop with Abishur Prakash (15th December 2021)

BC4LS organized its first workshop with the participation of experts in the field of sustainability, technology and artificial intelligence. Abishur Prakash held a presentation at the workshop, and then he was joined by Péter Fáykiss and Imre Kocsis in the form of a roundtable discussion. The event was moderated by Norbert Csizmadia.

Abishur Prakash’s presentation about "AI-Diplomacy: How Algorithms Will Transform How Countries Communicate and Cooperate" at the Budapest Metropolitan University (6th December 2021)

Abishur Prakash held an online lecture for the students of Budapest Metropolitan University entitled "AI-Diplomacy: How Algorithms Will Transform How Countries Communicate and Cooperate", which focused on the impact of artificial intelligence on relations between countries.

Richard Werner’s and Abishur Prakash’s presentation at the AGTECO conference (26th November 2021)

John Von Neumann University based in Kecskemét has now organized its scientific conference for the 22nd time, the AGTECO 2021 conference was held on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Festival. Prior to the conference sessions, Richard Werner economist professor of monetary policy and Abishur Prakash geopolitical futurist gave presentations in English, and a record number of about 130 scientific presentations were given during the conference. The conference is related to this year's lecture series of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, with the motto "Compass for a livable future". The series of events seeks to answer how to create a sustainable, long-term, livable future and how science can contribute to this, and how it can serve the future of humanity. BC4LS believes that science and technology play a key role in creating a sustainable future.
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